Social Media Experience

      I have been active on my social networks for 5 years. The main theme of my posts is a healthy lifestyle. I have lost 15 kilos, so I know how to do it. 

Timur Siraziev and Social Media

My steps.

During the development of my social media presence, I studied marketing communication in Social Media theory and then applied this knowledge to the promotion of my Instagram blog. 

The first thing I did was identify my target audience. I then conducted focus groups with subscribers who represented the most active part of my community. 

Based on this data, I developed a marketing strategy to promote my account. This strategy became the basis of my plan, which I followed for 3 years. 

I periodically added to it and modified it according to the events that took place. In this way, with minimal investment, I developed my Instagram account, which at its peak had up to 24,000 active followers.

Why did I do this?

With the development of social media and the internet, marketing has reached a new level. Communicating with audiences has become much easier, but at the same time new challenges have emerged that make us more cautious in choosing topics and ways of communicating with audiences. And now I know it very well.